
5 Essentials For Your Summer Road Trip

essentials for your summer road trip
Don't leave without these summer road trip essentials

 It is said that August is like the Sunday of summer and honestly we couldn't agree more. As the days go by we can't help but feel things are winding down, and its time to start mentally preparing for Fall. With that being said its never too late for a summer road trip, especially with school set to re-open in 2 weeks. A road trip is the best way to end your summer vacation, and get you re-energized for the change of pace. Before you head out cross country, however, there are a few summer road trip essentials you need to know about. Check out our list below.  

A Portable Charger

essentials for summer road trip
Portable charger means your phone will stay powered even when you're not next to a power source.

 What's a road trip in the 21st century without some sort of electronic device. For some of us the thought of going down the street without our smartphones seem impossible, much less travelling cross country. Not only are we using our devices for navigation, but we're also listening to music and watching our movies too. Considering our devices are going to die at some point, and you can't possibly stop every time to charge it, a portable battery pack is going to be your best friend.   

First Aid Kit

essentials for summer road trip
Unfortunately ish happens sometimes, and a good first aid kit may come in handy

 Yes, summer road trips are all about fun, fun and more fun, however, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared for the unexpected. A first aid kit extremely important to take along with you in case of an emergency. Things to include in your kit are pain killers, band aids, and antibacterial ointments. There are many first aid kits that were specifically created for your car. You can buy first aid kits online at Amazon, and many stores such as Walgreens and Walmart have them available for pick up.  


essentials for summer road trip
Prepare for the inevitable munchies

  Road trips can be a long affair. While travelling across the country, it may not always be possible to stop at every rest stop for food. That's why having a few snacks handy can make the experience much more bearable. When it comes to snacks try to get something that isn't messy, and can easily be consumed in a car. Low sugar nut bars are a great choice, also don't purchase snacks at rest stops or gas stations as they are usually unhealthy. Pack your snacks prior to leaving for your road trip instead.  


summer road trip essentials
Having cash on hand is a good backup

      Millennials are a cashless generation, often opting to use our credit/debit cards everywhere. Credit/debit cards are widely accepted now, and there is certainly no harm in carrying it along for your summer road trip. You should, however, be prepared for the unexpected and have some cash on hand for tips. Cash is also a great thing to have since you may have to stop at gas stations often, and gas stations are like ground zero for scams related to your debit/credit card.  

Your Favorite Playlist

summer road trip essentials
Great music can take any road trip to the next level

Long trips can get boring, and being on the road for what feels like forever can push you to the brink of insanity. Music is a great way to encourage good vibes throughout your trip. Take some time before your trip to create a playlist. Try to create something that everyone on your trip will enjoy.

   Did we forget anything? Tell us in the comments below.
summer road trip essentials

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