
Archive: December 2018

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How to Ace an Open Book Test

So it's syllabus week, and the professor states that all the exams will be open book tests. At this point you're probably thinking wow, what a time to be alive! Don't get too excited, at least not just yet. The truth is open book tests can be just as challenging, and depending on the material it can actually be harder than traditional tests. Here are 3 must follow tips for acing an open book test. Good luck!

Actually Study

How to Ace an Open Book Test
You should prepare for an open book test like you would any other

One of the biggest mistakes students make when it comes to open book tests is to not study. Many students incorrectly assume that studying is a waste of time since the answers will be just a page turn away. Big mistake!

As I mentioned before open book tests can be just as challenging, so you'll want to ensure you're very prepared. Also if you're not familiar with the book, you could end up spending more time searching for answers instead of actually doing the test. So it's best to prepare for an open book test like you would any other test.

Use You Index and Glossary

How to Ace an Open Book Test
Your index and glossary makes finding info during an exam faster and easier

In an open book test, a lot of time can be spent searching for answers, especially if you're not familiar with the book. One of the best ways to prevent this is to make use of index and glossary.

After reading the questions, highlight the keywords, then use the keywords to search the index for the relevant pages. For simple definitions, the glossary will prove helpful in finding words you may not understand, and may have trouble finding in the book.

Use Your Notes

How to Ace an Open Book Test
Your notes will be easier to navigate than your textbook
As a college student, you should always be taking notes. Note taking is a great way to retain info, and to ensure you actually understand the material. For open book tests, it may also be easier to navigate through your notes than say a 500 page textbook.

Using your syllabus or exam guidelines, make notes of relevant material, and categorize by heading. Then instead of using your textbook, use your notes.

Do you have any other tips for doing well on an open book test? Tell us in the comments below!